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FBP by Tess Ernest

The goal of this project is to create a service for artists that helps to enlarge their audience. This will be done by making it easy to explore new artists by using Explortists. Explortists are cards linked to an Augmented Reality application. The cards should make listeners more aware of the artist and stimulate sharing music. Outcomes of user-tests confirmed the willingness to explore via the cards. It also shows that using newer technology for the applications, makes the features clear, fun and valuable. Stakeholders such as artists, record labels and venue get profit out of the concept. They can implement personal branding and make a revenue out of using the cards.

To read more:

T. Ernest, 2019-TessErnest-Explortists, FBP Report, Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, 2019. FULLTEXT: PDF