by Olaf Corduwener. [Complete Report, PDF, 1.7M]

In his report, “…The concept is visioned to be a one-of-a-kind lighting installation that reflects the contextual status of a (public) building or space. One-of-a-kind means that it is not an actual product, but it’s tailored and made specifically for a certain place. The actual contextual status it communicates therefore also depends on the placement. The way it communicates this contextual information was approached in a rather artistic way, as in the metaphorical flowing or raining of coloured light. The metaphor ‘flow’ as in the flow of people (the context of movements) or being in mental flow (immersed in the activity; the context of activity). Coloured lighting as output was chosen for its attractiveness and diverse capabilities. The lighting is placed inside dozens of glass-formed raindrops hanging from the ceiling, animating the falling of rain in diverse colours, speed and frequency. It is not an individual drop that has a particular meaning. Instead, it’s the total picture the complete installation radiates that gives it its meaning. The different output variables (colour, diversity in colour, speed of falling, frequency of falling, etc) do not reflect different input variables, but change and work simultaneously to give an impression of the contextual status…”