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Share your context

Hugo Christiaans, one of my students, has done an excellent project, namely Share Your Context, about contextual information exchange.

[PDF, 2M] Share your context

Summary of the report:

Share your context

Non face‐to‐face communication of social and emotional experiences between people happens nowadays through phone or other media like email, IM (Instant Message), webcam and other virtual communities such as Second Life. Share experiences, express creativity and maintain easily contacts have made these virtual worlds very popular for millions of Internet users. To support the communication in these worlds emoticons are often used. This form of context is a combination of different states (physical, information, social and emotional), which help the receivers too understand the received information right.

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Visit Jiangnan University

From June 6 to 9, prof. Matthias Rauterberg and I were invited to the School of Design,  Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China. In these 3 days, we presented our education system and our research projects to the teachers and students, had several discussions about possible cooperations in both education and research, and organized a one day workshop “discrete interaction design” for 30 students. The students were very much interested in the topics we presented, especially the interactive way of presenting them. It was a successful and fruitful visit. We definitely look forward to the cooperations.

News about our visit on the website of Jiangnan University:

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